Styles of Yoga and fitness

Styles of Yoga and fitness

Find the style that works for you

Yoga, Kickboxing and Dance

Stretch and Rest Yin

This style of yoga works deeply into our body with passive, longer-held poses. It targets the body's deepest tissues, our connective tissues – ligaments, joints, bones, the deep fascia networks of the body, and the meridians. This is slow and Low. Mostly floor-based asanas, Poses held from 1-5 minutes.


combination of cardio and body weights with kickboxing moves. Class and private lessons available \


This is for expecting and those who have just given birth. Please confirm with your OBGYN if Yoga is suitable for you. Asanas that are suitable for each trimester will be offered. Meditation is also a part of the session.

Tracy is certified in prenatal yoga and is the mother of four children.

Gentle Yoga

This is a slower pace at your own pace.

Bringing in strap work

Chair Yoga incorporates a chair into yoga poses. Mediation and strap work are included the preactice

Laughter Yoga

This is Yogic breathing with playful foundation exercises. A Dr. created it in the mid-1990s to have us enjoy the benefits of laughing. ‘Create for events and

Ball and Wall.

Using Tune Up balls we will work on parts of the body and incorporate certain yoga poses using a ball and the hall for support.

Restorative Pajama Yoga

My trademark style of Yoga where we do yoga in your pajamas with a series of shapes when you are unable to go to Yoga you can do it in your very own bed. This can be done in person or online.


Brand new to Yoga or it has been a while join me for this class to restart your journey